ArtRes's packaging 2 x 116ml bottles + English instructions.
With gloves on, pour equal amounts of resin and hardener into the mixing cup.
You can check out our resin coverage calculator to determine how much you need.
TIP - Mix a little more than you think you need because you want to cover your work completely in one go and not have to mix more later.
Mix really well - at least 3 minutes. Scrape the sides and bottom to make sure you are thorough (unmixed material will leave sticky spots that won't harden). Once the resin and hardener are combined, you have about 45 minutes of working time before the resin thickens and hardens.
After making sure your work is flat (use a cotton pad), pour ArtResin® material over your work. Do not be afraid! It will start to smooth out on its own and you can apply it in place. Let the resin run over the edges and then just use a brush or spatula to clean it up. You will notice bubbles starting to rise to the surface. Many of them will self-pierce, but you can also pierce them yourself for a flawless finish - our artist torch/toho works great for this (see our how-to videos for details).
TIP - Wood panels are best suited for large works instead of canvas, as they do not sag under the weight of the resin.
ArtResin® must be in a dust-free environment for several hours until it hardens.
After about 8 hours it will be sticky, but you can pour another layer if necessary.
After about 12 hours it is touch dry, and
Within 24 hours it is 95% cured.
It is fully cured within 72 hours.
CLEANING - If you want to reuse your mixing tools, wipe them with a paper towel before the resin dries.
Easy to use 1:1 mixing ratio; covers approx. 2 sq ft UV and HALS stabilized for unparalleled yellowing protection Non-toxic. Safe for home use when used in a well ventilated area. Well, VOCs. Well BPA. Well fumes. Non-flammable. Certified food safe. High-gloss. Self-levelling. Formulated specifically for art. Made in the USA. Be careful, you'll get hooked on it.
Easy to use
High quality
Friendly customer service
Fast delivery
ArtRes's packaging 2 x 116ml bottles + English instructions.
With gloves on, pour equal amounts of resin and hardener into the mixing cup.
You can check out our resin coverage calculator to determine how much you need.
TIP - Mix a little more than you think you need because you want to cover your work completely in one go and not have to mix more later.
Mix really well - at least 3 minutes. Scrape the sides and bottom to make sure you are thorough (unmixed material will leave sticky spots that won't harden). Once the resin and hardener are combined, you have about 45 minutes of working time before the resin thickens and hardens.
After making sure your work is flat (use a cotton pad), pour ArtResin® material over your work. Do not be afraid! It will start to smooth out on its own and you can apply it in place. Let the resin run over the edges and then just use a brush or spatula to clean it up. You will notice bubbles starting to rise to the surface. Many of them will self-pierce, but you can also pierce them yourself for a flawless finish - our artist torch/toho works great for this (see our how-to videos for details).
TIP - Wood panels are best suited for large works instead of canvas, as they do not sag under the weight of the resin.
ArtResin® must be in a dust-free environment for several hours until it hardens.
After about 8 hours it will be sticky, but you can pour another layer if necessary.
After about 12 hours it is touch dry, and
Within 24 hours it is 95% cured.
It is fully cured within 72 hours.
CLEANING - If you want to reuse your mixing tools, wipe them with a paper towel before the resin dries.
Easy to use 1:1 mixing ratio; covers approx. 2 sq ft UV and HALS stabilized for unparalleled yellowing protection Non-toxic. Safe for home use when used in a well ventilated area. Well, VOCs. Well BPA. Well fumes. Non-flammable. Certified food safe. High-gloss. Self-levelling. Formulated specifically for art. Made in the USA. Be careful, you'll get hooked on it.
Voit lukea lisää sävyistä tästä.
Huomioi myös, että varaat tarpeeksi maalia projektiisi:
ArtResin on läpäissyt lukuisia maailmanlaajuisia testejä elintarviketurvallisuusvaatimusten täyttämiseksi. Vaikka käytätkin ArtResinin kaltaista elintarvikkeille turvallista epoksihartsia, on kuitenkin tärkeää noudattaa joitakin parhaita käytäntöjä.
1. Tarkka mittaaminen ja sekoittaminen
On ratkaisevan tärkeää noudattaa mittaus- ja sekoitusohjeita. Väärät suhteet tai liian vähäinen sekoittaminen estävät komponenttien sitoutumisen ja kovettumisen kunnolla.
2. Kovettumisprosessi
Anna epoksihartsin kovettua täysin ennen kuin käytät projektia elintarvikkeiden kanssa. Täydellinen kovettuminen varmistaa, ettei hartsiin jää aktiivisia komponentteja. ArtResin on kosketuskuivaa 24 tunnin kuluttua ja täysin kovettunutta 72 tunnin kuluttua.
3. Lisäaineet ja väriaineet
Lisä- ja väriaineet parantavat epoksihartsin ulkonäköä, mutta jotta väriaineita voidaan pitää elintarviketurvallisina, niiden on oltava myrkyttömiä ja elintarviketurvallisuusmääräysten mukaisia. Muuten ne voivat aiheuttaa riskejä, jos ne joutuvat kosketuksiin kulutustavaroiden kanssa. Jos olet epävarma, levitä päälle viimeinen kerros kirkasta epoksihartsia.
Lyhyesti sanottuna elintarviketurvallisen hartsin säilyminen elintarviketurvallisena edellyttää kolmea keskeistä käytäntöä:
- etiketin mittaus- ja sekoitusohjeiden noudattaminen
- täydellisen kovettumisen varmistaminen
- käytetään myrkyttömiä lisäaineita tai kirkasta pintakerrosta.
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