Frenchic Guide & Painting Instructions

A few tips & Painting instructions

These painting instructions are intended as a guide for you - we want you to succeed - try and have fun with the Frenchic series!

Feel free to make your home your own, use the shades you like. Recycling interior design, painting and refurbishing old furniture is a small eco-deed - the choice of an environmentally conscious decorator - you don't always have to buy new. Remember that every painting project is unique and everyone has their own usage habits.

What painting tools do I need?

Get the tools and paints well in advance of the start of the project. In addition to paint and a brush, you may need a long-handled and handy roller, a paint tray and mixing tools.

You can get the equipment here.

Also remember a safe ladder, protective equipment and boundary tape. Move and protect other furniture in advance.

White Wall paint Frenchic Paint Finland.

Photo: Trim Paint, Yorkshire Rose shade

By painting, refurbishing or waxing even old furniture, doors, moldings and wall surfaces, you can make them beautiful again and suit your home. Remember that you can always repaint if the traces of life are visible in the paint surface or you can enjoy a beautifully worn surface.

Painting is fun and sometimes even therapeutically calming - check out the Frenchic series and enjoy the colors!

Choose a shade and do a test painting

Choose a color if possible, always in the environment and under the conditions for which the color is chosen - in your own light and shadows you can best examine the vibrancy of the color.

For this, the Frenchic series has sample jars with which you can make sure of the shade and coverage easily.

If you are unsure about the suitability of the paint for your project, try it on an inconspicuous place first. At the same time, you get an idea of ​​the coverage and the paint's sufficiency for your project and make sure that the tone is correct. Uneven color tone can be corrected by adding a new layer of paint. If the shade difference is large between the surface to be painted and the selected shade, it may be that more layers of paint are needed than normal.

Remember that the colors displayed on your screen are created electronically and each screen reproduces the tones in its own way. The experience of color is also influenced by the surface of the material, its gloss, lighting and other adjacent shades. Colors should be studied on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Get inspired by other people's implementations and grab the best ideas

Get inspired by our customers' idea photos in our FB group and see how your chosen shade looks in different lighting and on different surfaces. Do a search in the group by the name of the shade, and you will get furniture painted with the shade as a result.

The powdery and pastel shades with a matte finish resemble old traditional shades, and the Frenchic shades also fit beautifully into old buildings. For example, the wall paints of the Frenchic series are breathable and of course serifed in the Frenchic style.

The condition, color and age of the surface to be painted affect the flow of the paint and the end result - how the finished piece of furniture looks. If you want the end result to be a beautiful, smooth and flawless surface - the surface to be painted must also be intact and smooth.

Many Frenchic dealers also have painted color models and model sticks that you can also borrow for your home. Policies vary - ask your Frenchic dealer for tips on choosing colors.

Remember that the nature of colors changes depending on the lighting and the adjacent color. The color repeats differently also on horizontal or vertical surfaces.

Don't skimp on the amount of paint

One layer or thinned paint can have a detrimental effect on durability. Porous and uneven surfaces, such as fiberglass wallpaper or raw board, usually require a little more paint than in the instructions.

Make sure you reserve enough paint to complete the project. Standard industry advice is that if you need more than one can of paint, make sure they are from the same batch (batch number) or, if that is not possible, mix the paint batches before painting to ensure a consistent end result.

All Frenchic paints can be painted at least twice.

Choose brushes and other tools

You don't skimp when choosing a brush. Painting with a neat, clean and intact brush or roller is comfortable and the result is smooth.

Choosing an old and dirty tool can cause an untidy paint mark and too thick layers of paint.

Thick layers of paint or wax do not dry in the time specified by the manufacturer and they reduce the durability of the surfaces.

Read more about choosing a brush in Blogs . A painting project goes well when the tools are in order. Reserve both a wide and a narrow brush for the project and high-quality tape for borders - with cheap tape you can attach protective plastics. You may also need a measure, a pencil and furniture detergent and a sanding sponge.

Follow the instructions and drying times

Painting is a quick and comfortable job - but remember to give the process time - especially for the layers to dry.

Do not overwork the paint layers in the drying process with unnecessary mechanical stress, for example with small touch-up paintings - it can ruin the upper and lower layers at the same time and the surfaces have to be sanded flat before repainting.

The drying interval of the paint layers of the Al Fresco series is at least 2 hours and the Lazy Range series at least one hour under normal conditions.

Read the instructions on the side of the paint can before starting and the FAQ-frequently asked questions .

Prepare the furniture for painting

When you start the project, prepare the furniture for painting. Take out the supplies and protect the furniture's surroundings

- start with cleaning. Strong pressure washing is not good for furniture. With a pressure washer, water can penetrate deep into the surface and drying takes a long time.

Wash the surface to be painted before sanding

Wash the surface clean of grease, dirt and fingerprints. Surfaces that are touched a lot must be washed thoroughly before painting. Finally, rinse the detergent off with clean water.

Always paint only a clean surface. After cleaning, the surface is sanded. Shiny and slippery surfaces and hard-wearing surfaces should be carefully roughened or sanded before painting, so that the paint has a good adhesion surface.

The paints of the Frenchic Paint series are water-soluble and repel dirt, oil and grease. Frenchic blogs give you more tips on preparation and the use of different painting techniques.

The surface to be painted must be dry and clean. Clean detergents and residues of paint removers, fats, waxes and slimes from the surface before painting. When painting a dirty or damp surface, the paint does not stick to its substrate and begins to peel and crack quickly.

All Frenchic series are intended to be painted with at least two coats. Start painting with a thin brush and take the usual amount of paint on the brush - not too little, but not so that the brush completely drips when you lift the paint from the container. Thick (and too thin) layers of paint hinder durability and do not dry in normal time. Too thick layers dry longer than the manufacturer recommends, and the thick paint surface may crack when drying.
For example, the layers of paints from the Al Fresco series must be allowed to dry for two hours between paintings. When you paint from dark to light (or vice versa) you may need more layers of paint than usual. Gray is a good shade for the base: paint the first layer with a gray shade - it folds the red and brown base tone right away and you can get by with fewer white layers. The opacity is also affected by the careful mixing of the paint before and during the painting work. Drying of the layers - I let the layers dry according to the instructions (Al Fresco 2h and Lazy Range min 1h). With paint layers that are too thin and with unmixed paint, you will definitely have to paint several layers before you have a covering and smooth surface.

Preferably let the paint dry too long if you are unsure.
You can find the drying time and other instructions on the side of the paint can - always read the instructions before painting.

Painting the wooden floor

In addition to working time, plan drying time for the painting project. If you paint the floor, you cannot put the furniture in place the next day - let the paint dry for at least 48 hours on the floor - or longer if there are more than two layers of paint. Treat the painted floor surface with care during the first week - add felt paws to the legs of the furniture and wash the surface only with mild detergents. Do not use scratchy or abrasive cleaning tools or strong detergents or steam cleaning on the painted floor surface. Be prepared for maintenance painting, the floor is under heavy wear. If there is a scratch on the painted surface, spot painting is a normal maintenance procedure. Mix the paint carefully and for a long time, thoroughly before starting the painting work. This is especially important with the waxy Lazy Range chalk paints and the moisture-resistant chalk paints of the Al Fresco series. In long-lasting painting work, the pigments sink to the bottom and it also affects the covering ability of the paint. Careful mixing is also necessary during a longer painting project.

Final drying

Allow the surfaces to dry for 48 hours before careful commissioning.

Water-based paints, such as Frenchic paints, reach their final hardness in about three weeks. Until then, the paint is fresh. Do not scratch or scratch the fresh paint.

If the air humidity is too high or the temperature too low in the space to be painted, the drying of the paint film slows down and the formation of the film is disturbed. In this case, the paint surface will not be durable and may crack. Drying is faster on a porous substrate than on a dense and non-absorbent one.
The surface of Frenchic paints is dust-dry quickly when painting at normal temperature and can be repainted after two hours. Although the surface of the paint has dried quickly after the painting process, it does not mean that the surface has reached its final durability properties in the same time, the wax and other protective properties in the paint continue to harden for weeks.
The surfaces can be used during this period, but strong stress should be avoided before the final hardening of the paint.

Treat, use, store and clean your painted furniture with appreciation

Whether your furniture is antique furniture or furniture with sentimental value or furniture painted yourself - appreciate your beautiful painting work and take good care of the surface of the painted furniture. That way, your wonderful painting work won't go to waste. Normal signs of wear and tear are part of everyday life, and the intended use of the furniture affects the durability of the paint surface. It's a different thing to paint a side table that is used for decoration, than a kitchen table, where you do more than just eat. You can keep a cloth or tablets on the table under plates and glasses/cups - you should always use pans under hot dishes. The newly painted surface will harden for another three weeks, so protection until then is very important. If you are wondering if the paint on the dining table cover will withstand wear and tear, you should be realistic and think about your own use and wear in everyday life, just like your own family. You can add a matte finishing coating, 'Tuff Top Coat', to protect the paint surface of the top of a hard-wearing dining table. Read more about coatings here. When you paint a table top, for example, you can't cover the table with a cloth the next day - the paint is still fresh. If you paint a garden chair, don't cover the chair with cushions the next day - the paint is still fresh and cannot dry under the cushions.
Always store painted garden and balcony furniture and goods protected from the weather during the winter. The best storage space is airy and spacious, where the furniture does not get bumped. Wooden furniture left outside for the winter swells from moisture and the paint surface is damaged. Read more about outdoor painting.
chalk paint out blue frenchic paint

Photo: Duckling, Al Fresco

While painting outside

Check the weather conditions before starting the painting work.
The best painting weather is warm cloudy weather, at least +10C during the day and at night (the first 48 hours), so that the paint film dries normally. Also check that rain, humidity or other things do not interfere with the drying process after painting. Cloudy weather and a place protected from the rain is perfect for a painting project.

Painted green door from the Frenchic Paint Al Fresco series.

Don't paint in too cold, hot or direct sunlight! You don't leave freshly painted furniture outside to dry overnight - in case of rain. Or leave painted furniture outside for the winter - water and ice will quickly eat away at the paint surface if water gets under the paint surface.
Only paint outside furniture that you can store in the winter protected from the weather.

Try the paint fit first

The quality of the wood can have an effect on the permanence of the paint and the absorption of the paint, other types of wood are naturally oily, such as teak or other 'hardwood' qualities.
In some factory processing of garden furniture, an oil-based coating or wood preservative may have been used, the purpose of which is to prevent other substances from sticking to the surface. The paint is not intended to remain on top of these protective treatments. You should ask about the original surface treatment or wood quality at the place of purchase of the furniture. If you have previously oiled your garden furniture, you should continue oiling. It is likely that water-based paint will not stay very well on an oiled surface. Oil can rise to the surface from inside a wood that has been oiled for a long time for several years.

The lime paints of the Al Fresco series are moisture-resistant when you paint the pieces carefully all over, at least two complete layers of paint. The susceptibility of a piece of wood that has been painted around is reduced to moisture and swelling. If water gets under the paint surface, it will be damaged.

Keep painted furniture in storage

Store your painted furniture properly in winter, protected from the weather, especially from snow and ice. If the paint surface has cracked, for example due to the effect of the wood swelling/living, the water that got under the paint will probably peel off the paint.

All surfaces must be clean and dry. Loose or peeling paint must be removed before painting. The mold must also be removed, because the mold left under the paint can get through the new paint surface in time. The furniture should be washed before painting, but do not use a pressure washer, which takes the water deep into the wood. Washed furniture should be dried carefully. A rule of thumb could be: wash and paint on different days. If you paint metal, note that Al Fresco paints do not contain rust inhibitors. You can read more about outdoor painting here. Cleaning and maintenance of painted garden furniture

Paint storage

Keep the paints dry and at normal temperature. Water-based paint must not freeze. Frozen & melted paint is no longer recommended for use. The paint left over from the painting work remains in usable condition for a long time if the paint has remained clean and the lid of the storage container is airtight. For example, you can transfer clean paint to a glass jar and store it upside down so that the container is completely airtight. It is not recommended to store paint diluted with water. If garbage, dust or other dirt has fallen into the paint can while painting outside or inside, they can ruin the paint quickly. The storage space must be at least +10 degrees, preferably normal, dry room temperature, in a shady place.

You can wash tools with warm water and a mild detergent. Protect the floor and the environment during the painting project and wear protective glasses and gloves and appropriate painting clothing (long sleeves and legs). Painting work inside is good to do in a ventilated space.


A lot of people ask how to get a smooth paint surface without brush marks. Clear grooves and lines can be caused by many factors. Frenchic series paints have a brand new 'Self Leveling' self-spreading feature, thanks to which the paint surface becomes smooth.


Use a clean and undamaged brush for your painting project. A good quality brush is the best starting point. Frenchic brushes are designed for perfect chalk paint pick-up and we recommend you use them on your project.

The oval brushes of the Frenchic series are handmade - wash them carefully with warm water before starting the painting work. A washed and clean brush is flexible and it is comfortable to paint with when it is stiff. When washed and damp, the natural bristles of the brush do not absorb paint inside the natural bristles like a dry natural bristle, and thus cleaning is easier. No matter what kind of tools you use, we hope that these instructions can help you when you want to paint a flat surface.


If you want to achieve a smooth, even paint surface, the surface must be intact, flat, clean and smooth before the paint coat. If you paint over existing paint chips, layers, dents, deep scratches, dried old paint drops and run-offs, etc., they will also show through the new paint layer.

If the surface to be painted has furrows, deep scratches or holes, they must first be filled by, for example, puttying, if the end result is an even and smooth surface. If your piece has flaky and lumpy paint, the lumps must first be sanded smooth and the flaky paint removed.


A light hand

How you use your brush can affect your painting. Are you aiming for a smooth surface? Hold the brush lightly, like you would hold a pencil, instead of gripping the brush hard and pressing down on the handle. Brush the paint lightly. Paint in the same direction as the grain of the wood. Try not to push and brush the surface back and forth too strongly - although this is also a painting technique and in this case the traces of the brush are strongly visible.

Enough paint

You don't need more than 3 (or up to 4 layers) to complete the project. If there is not enough paint in the brush, you will get streaks or see extra texture on the surface. A paint layer that is too thick can also dry unevenly. Follow the drying time according to the instructions for each layer.

Do not overwork the surface

Do not continue working in the same area with a brush when the paint dries. Overworking the paint easily lifts both the new and the old layer open and makes the surface uneven. If you notice a spot that you would like to fix or go back to, wait an hour for the paint to dry and then only apply the paint to the spot to be painted. Painting on top of fresh paint leads to overworking the paint surface, causing the layers to roll off and leave marks on the surface.

Do not paint in too hot and dry places

Paint small areas/parts at a time to prevent the paint from drying too quickly. Painting in too warm or even hot weather (e.g. direct sunlight) is not recommended, it is not really possible, but the paint dries far too quickly in the heat and can crack.

Brush too dry

If you find that your brush is drying out too much, keeping the tip of the brush damp will help keep it more flexible and gentle when painting. Note that you do not add water to the paint, but only dip the tip of the brush into the water lightly to keep the bristles moist if necessary. You can also try the spray bottle technique: Spray water from the bottle, only lightly, on the area to be painted, add paint and brush it in place - you will notice that the paint slides more smoothly and the result is a smooth surface. Use a new brush and roller every time you wash.

Correct mistakes by sanding, not by painting over

If something went wrong - it can be fixed: sand the paint surface lightly, brush off the dust and paint again. Others like to sand between coats of paint to achieve a very even finish. For this, use very fine sandpaper or a handy, reusable and washable sanding sponge or sanding pad.. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT

Rushing and skipping steps usually results in an uneven surface and a paint finish that doesn't last. Set aside time for your project, do various small test paintings, boldly try new techniques and familiarize yourself with your painting tools. Enjoy your painting project!

First, try on a practice piece which technique suits you and the tools you use and the surface to be painted. If you haven't tried the paints from the Frenchic series before, we recommend the waxy chalk paint from the Lazy Range series . This paint has a new feature, 'Self Leveling', thanks to which you can easily get a beautiful and even surface - little or no brush marks remain on the surface.

Try different tools and find the one that suits you.

Also try the roller. This can also create texture if you are new to using a roller. Do not press with the roller when painting and always do a practice painting so that you can see what the right amount of paint is for the roller you are using. A too dry or too wet roller will leave an uneven surface.

Extra tip for painting with a roller: apply the paint with a roller, and then when the paint is still wet, immediately go over the area lightly with a brush. If you haven't tried the Oval brushes from the Frenchic series - we highly recommend them - they will make your painting project much easier and you will definitely love using them!

It is a pleasure to paint with high-quality and non-toxic paint, but you still need a good dose of common sense = painting sense

Have a nice painting day!

Painting instructions Frenchic Paint Finland.

Join the FB group and share your own Frenchic project photos in the group. Bring your skilled friends who paint, tune, and renovate to the group!

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We admire the beauty of all the different colors and shades.
We believe in happiness that comes with offering unique and creative products to our customers.

Award-winning paint series Frenchic Paint.

It's The Passion, It's The People, It's The Paint!

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